By Neal Murphy

"Stubborn as a Mule" By Neal Murphy

October 18, 2023 - Have you ever heard someone say about a person, “He’s as stubborn as a mule?” Or perhaps even you have been called “mule headed” by others. I think we all know what the meaning of the word is, but are mules really stubborn? If someone is stubborn, it means that they are contrary, unwilling to change, or unwilling to do things that are expected of them. Some people say that the stubborn person “walks to the beat of his own drum.”

"Random Thoughts" By Neal Murphy

September 22, 2023 - I sometimes wonder about the thought, or lack of it, that goes into the making of signs these days.  I have seen road signs and even warnings on medicines that don’t seem to make sense or just state the obvious. I think the fear of frivolous law suits has contributed greatly to all of this unnecessary information.

I have pondered the following signs over the past few years and settled on my own conclusions. Do you agree?

“What’s Happened to the Whippoorwill?” by Neal Murphy

September 1, 2023 - Anyone who has camped out in East Texas has probably had this experience: You’ve spent the evening sitting around the campfire after a satisfying dinner. A nice gentle breeze cools the evening air as you settle down for a night of blissful sleep. Then, it starts - “Whip-poor-will, Whip-poor-will”, the sound of a bashful bird serenading you.

“I'll Never Understand” by Neal Murphy

August 26, 2023 -  I admit that I am from the old school of doing things, therefore much of the fads and activities of the current generation are puzzling to me.  Gone are the days when people consulted Emily Post to see if their actions were “appropriate”.  There were also certain unwritten rules governing activities and dress that were adhered to by most everyone.  Rare were the “lone wolves” who lived by their own rules amongst us, and those people were  pretty well shunned by everyone else.

“The Bicycle Path” By Neal Murphy

August 23, 2023 - When is a bicycle path not a bicycle path? That is the question that my wife had to decide a number of years ago in Colorado. I had taken a new job in 1974 with an insurance company whose home office was Littleton, Colorado. We moved there in January of that year, native Texans in a foreign country, whom the natives teased about our “accent.” I never felt that we had any detectible accent, but the Colorado citizens felt differently.

"Fair to Middling" by Neal Murphy

August 8, 2023 - You are walking down the sidewalk downtown and you meet a friend – “How’s it going, John?” you ask. “Fair to middling,” he responds. I know you have heard that phrase for a long time, but do you know for sure what it actually means? Or, from where did it originate?

I have always understood it to mean “about average” – you’ve been better, and you’ve been worse. I did a little research on this phrase and offer the following:


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